I have belonged to several "Family Home Evening" groups. When my kids were younger - they were great but eventually my kids out grew the kind of Family Home Evening you can fit in a manila folder. The way the group works is similar to how my food group works - just with more people. There were 10 people in our last FHE group so every month I got 10 completed packets. We each made 10 copies of our FHE and then we traded. This last group I was in was pretty amazing - every packet had a story, game, scripture card etc.. Everything was laminated and very painstakingly produced. The problem for me was that my kids had really already outgrown it.
So I have 30 or so FHE packets that have never been opened or looked at. I went through them yesterday and pulled out 10 that I was pretty sure I wouldn't use for sharing times etc... - tied a pretty ribbon on them and took them to Enrichment. They were a highly coveted prize and people wanted them and I felt pretty good about myself.
On the table at the church was a little survey for each of us to fill out. The survey was pretty straight forward and awarded points for all of the things that you have done or took away points for naughty things. I got 10 points for arriving before the opening song, points for having family prayer and personal prayer, points for exercising that day etc... I really scored for doing something nice for my mom that day (she had come over and needed a few things), singing with my kids that day (gotta love the High School Musical 2 soundtrack) and sitting next to Theresa Jones - I earned the most points for that. One of the lines said to reward yourself 2 points for every button the person on your right is wearing. Theresa had 15 buttons! She was wearing a button down shirt and cargo pants with lots of buttons! I lost points for complaining about something, speeding and not bringing a friend but I was way ahead of most with my points.
We all got a chance to look at the things that were going to be auctioned - there was so much to choose from -photography sessions, hair cuts, home made bread, dinners, babysitting etc... And then there

The cards are amazing. There are 30 of them and they all have envelopes and they are all

This morning, I am feeling so guilty. I am still feeling like I totally scored and I told the girl who made them that I was in love with her and that I wanted to kiss her right on the mouth because the cards are so beautiful - but I feel guilty at the same time.
So, I am going to do something nice for everyone who was sitting at my table - I don't know what yet, but I will think of something. But, I'm pretty sure it will not involve giving the cards back!
OH MY GOOD GRIEF!!! Those are the most famous fabulous cards I've ever seen! I would've begged, stealed and borrowed for those beauties - so don't you feel one bit bad (unless one of the packets you gave away was mine - you rudy tudy -- and I remember exactly what I did - missionary and priesthood blessings. hehe
still jealous about losing the cards though. Not sitting next to teresa though, I really had no chance. D'oh! I knew I should have brushed my teeth! (J/K)
I forgot- don't feel guilty about not making the FHE kits. That is a treasure like the cards for whoever got them.
I ended up with the care basket that has a novel by an author I have really been enjoying lately and some other fun stuff, which works out better for me than the cards. (I have a hard time letting things like that go, so I would probably never send them out!)
enjoy them, no reason to feel guilty!
I'm trying to figure out how to make FHE packets and came across this on a search engine. this story is hilarious. Since I'm over enrichment, we're going to do something like this! Love it!
Just googled up service auction to get some ideas for our RS Service auction and your blog came up. 1st off, YOU CRACK ME UP!!! and thanks for sharing. There were some great ideas i will use!
Nampa, ID
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