But, we did not choose the best white elephant gifts ever. The host of the party ended up with them and we did find out later who brought them - it was a collection of Yanni paraphernalia. Not just a cd - but a VHS of a concert and a cassette tape. It was awesome! When Alan had a chance to steal, I wanted him to get it for his office white elephant party - but he didn't (we may have to break out our Bill Clinton toilet paper for that - we really have some) he thought he was saving himself some Christmas shopping when he stole the Josh Groban cd. He didn't realize it was a Christmas cd and that would be pretty lame to give as a gift ON Christmas. The Yanni collection was brilliant - the best white elephant gift of the night.
This Christmas I will be carrying on a tradition with my younger brother. It is sort of a white elephant but I hesitate to call it that. When Jeremy was packing to leave on his mission in July of 1990, I slipped into his suitcase, an electric blue stocking cap that our Grandma had crocheted years before. It is such an ugly blue AND it has a big pom pom on top. He found it in his suitcase and put it under my pillow, I found it a couple of days later and stuck it into his carry-on bag and he didn't find it until he reached the MTC. In December of 1990, I entered the MTC and was so excited to get a package from my missionary brother - but among other things was the stupid hat.
I took the hat to France with me and sent it to him for his birthday. He sent it back on my birthday. I sent it to a missionary in Japan and he pinned a Japanese flag pin to it and sent it to my brother. Jeremy sent it home and had my mom send it in my Christmas package. I sent it to Scotland and had Alan send it back to Jeremy. I can't even imagine the amount of postage we wasted on that hat. Since we've been home it has ended up in wedding gifts, baby gifts and Christmas gifts several times. I have the hat in my possession right now - I am looking for a good way to give it to him this year. Any suggestions?
That is a great tradition you have going on with your brother! SO funny! My mom sometimes would stick dirty diapers in our backpacks! Sick I know. I wish I could think of a way for you get that hat back to him.. but I'm not creative. Sorry.
Next time you go to your brothers house you should stick it in a not so obvious but obvious place. So it takes a few days or weeks to find but he would surely I find it. Pinned on the garage wall or the ceiling in a closet or bathroom(somewhere high). I don't know. That is so funny! My husband and his brother are always doing things like that- with pictures of ridiculous looking people or items their mom made. Too funny!
Thank you! When I saw the Yanni collection on it's way to DI a few months ago, I snapped it up. I think it could really use an LP to round out the collecion. I love white elephant gift exchanges very very much. I have another little gem I found and saved for the family exchange. It is a real doozy.
I think you should take a Christmas picture of your family with all of them wearing a Santa hat - and you wearing the illicit blue hat. Put the picture in with your Christmas card & attach it to a beautifully wrapped gift - with the hat inside of course.
Hey Jolene,
We had our ward enrichment white elephant and someone actually got a white elephant. That was funny. I ended up with a box of 30 handmade cards by Jenny Boyle. I thought of you winning them at that auction. I am so excited. I love white elephant games.
Last year, my brother-in-law ended up with a pregnancy test, and someone ended up with a tepid Jack in the Box cheeseburger. At least it was still wrapped!
As far as your brother, I love that you shipped the hat all over the country. I love one sassy mamma's idea to do a photo shoot with the hat. I have some Santa hats if you want to borrow them.
My mother and her sister have given each other M&M's paraphenalia for years. Every year they try to come up with some new M&M thing they haven't seen before, or they regift the old things again.
Maybe you could have someone else wrap it and give it to him- so he wouldn't suspect it.
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