Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Brace Face
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Greatest Camping Trip That Wasn't or All of The Work and None of The Fun
(The trailer, sitting in front of our house, where it sat long enough I'm pretty sure we will be getting a letter from our HOA)
Then you have the unloading after the trip is over. Most of the food is eaten so there is less to carry back in to the house, but the clothes are filthy and usually stink like camp fire.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Back to School!
Devon is also in 8th grade and also taking all Honors courses. His two electives this year are Spanish 2 and Introduction to Business. He has had more homework from his electives than from his regular classes. That is the kind of boy he is, he takes school very seriously and works hard. He is also hoping to make the basketball team and do well in football and track.
What are the chances of having three kids in a 2 year middle school? I wish that they were all best friends but I know that they keep pretty far away from each other at school. They all have loads of friends. I know it won't be long until Devon is dating his sister's friends and vice-versa.

Morgan looks so happy to be going to school and the other 3 look bored, mad, tired and NOT excited to be going to school!
On the 2nd day, Nicole wanted to get her picture taken in front of the door again. In fact, we have done it every day since school started. I'm getting quite a collection.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I Want to Move to Greece

I want to live here and swim in the ocean every day.
I would eat olives and feta cheese and pita bread.
I would yell OPA! Whenever I broke something.
I would jog in the sand and think of the Chariots of Fire music.

If I can't get Alan and another couple to dress up like Abba for Halloween, then I am going to force two of my friends to dress up like Donna and the Dynamos with me.
I couldn't find any pictures of them from the movie but I found this awesome shot of them from the play.
At the end of the movie, Donna and the Dynamos bust out with Dancing Queen.
That was all the cue we needed.
Led by Deana, a true dancing queen, we stood and danced for everyone in the theater.
People laughed but then some stood and joined us.
It was awesome.
Speaking of awesome.
While looking for pictures for this post. I ran across several from the movie premiere.
Colin Firth is in the movie as well.
His wife wore a yellow smiley face dress to the premiere.
Just in case you were looking for a Halloween costume too.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Three JOYS: (I'm skipping the family, faith route - you already know I love them and they bring me more joy than I deserve!)
1. Hearing babies laugh. Nothing is better or more contagious than little tyke laughter.
2. Clean sheets! I love slipping into the bed when the sheets smell like the dryer.
3. Finding a bargain. The thrill of the markdown. My kids are so well trained that when we enter a store in the mall, they walk right to the back where they know the clearance is set up.
Three FEARS:
1. Something traumatic happening to one of my kids and I won't have the where with all to do something like call 911 or apply pressure to the bleeding. I wasn't home when Devon shattered his leg into 17 pieces - I think if I had been (well, he wouldn't have been jumping down the entire flight of stairs if I had been) I would have fainted or maybe just died of heart failure.
2. The world having too much influence on my children. All of this back to school stuff makes my stomach hurt. (And not because I spent almost $150 on school supplies yesterday)
3. Disappointing someone I love.
Three GOALS:
1. Lose 25 more pounds.
2. Do my visiting teaching every month - and do it right.
3. Fix my kids a decent breakfast before school.
1. Scrapbook paper. I hardly ever scrapbook anymore but I can't stop buying the paper!
2. This terrible series of YA fiction books that I am too embarrassed to even say the name of. I am so caught up that when the next one in the series was not available at the library - I went to THREE bookstores to find it.
3. Diet Rite Zero. Zero calories, zero sugar, zero sodium and zero caffeine. I am adding a warning however, if you are thinking of picking some up. There is something in the make up of either the soda or the can that makes it prone to exploding in the fridge. I have to be careful that the cans don't get pushed to the back.
Three RANDOM FACTS: (like you don't already know everything about me)
1. I served a mission in the South of France and I teach French at the elementary school that my kids attend. I have been home more years than I care to admit and my French is pretty elementary at this point.
2. I have a pretty impressive collection of Eiffel Towers chez moi.
3. I love French cheeses - but I prefer Belgian chocolates. Go to a Leonidas (San Tan Mall for locals) and try it out - you will never darken the door of Sees again. Leonidas used to be available only in Europe. I brought a huge box home from France. It was summer time and I was scared that the chocolates wouldn't make it- even in my carry on. The nice owners of the little Leonidas in San Tropez carefully wrapped my jumbo box in plastic and wet newspapers to keep the candy cool. It worked!