Jason Bourne, as a character, is so easy to sympathize with. You really want him to find out what he needs to find out and then be done with all of this crazy running. He becomes the kind of character that you can feel his trepidation in killing unnecessarily and then his satisfaction when he has stopped a truly bad guy. I love this series of movies - I know there are a couple more "Bourne" books - I'm going to look for them next time I am at the library.
Speaking of books.... I finished Eclipse this morning. It has a very satisfying ending. Stephenie Meyer is a talented writer - I wish I had that gift. I can barely put sent

Jo - you are soo famous to me with all your fancy bloggin'. I have been so busy with my sis here that there hasn't been much time for anything - especially blogging. I can't believe I missed out on such a fun blogging week! I love your movie review and your fancy reading day! I think I'll do that Monday.
Jo - Eclipse is soo famous it even made it into the Wall-street journal today. DH subscribes to it - and he was reading it tonight when he said "hey - isn't this that vampire book you love". HE was soo true to me - here's the link
IF it doesn't work just go to www.wallstreetjournal.com and type in Eclipse into the search line.
I just finished Austenland on Sunday. It is darling. I loved it.I tried to get my bookgroup to read it - but alas - we are reading "The Book Thief" (or should I say "The Boring Thief" - hehe.
I just finished Eclipse last week and it was great. I don't want to wait a whole year for the next one to come out! Don't worry I couldn't do anything else until I finished it and then it was all I could think about for the next week. I should have taken a picture of my laundry piling up while I read away the day :)
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