Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Weepy Wednesday

While parents throughout the Gilbert School System are jumping for joy - I am as weepy as can be. I just dropped off my two oldest for their first day of 7th grade at the Jr. High. I tried not to cry too much in front of them, but it all let loose as soon as I turned out of the Jr. High parking lot. It is a scary world out there and I have just dropped them off to face it alone. Good thing I have my book to keep my mind off of things. On Monday, when my other two start school, I will probably have to be tranquilized. Our youngest will be in 1st grade - she will be gone all day. I know I will come to love it - but right now - it makes me cry.

1 comment:

Jenny-ology said...

I know what you mean. My youngest is in 2nd grade now and I am totally lonely everyday when they are gone! Seriously!

And, since Spencer is in 8th grade now, I have one year to decide what drastic measures I can go to to avoid the unspeakable things that are going on in the high school. It is so scary out there.

Home school?... Anyone...