Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!

My dad passed away last year on the 5th of July. This is my first Father's day without my dad. This is also the last of the "firsts". We already had our first Thanksgiving, first Christmas etc... I don't know if this will be as hard as I thought it would be. Almost a year has passed and although there are times that I still get upset, it is not as often as it used to be.

I had a good relationship with my dad. But it wasn't always like that - pretty much up until I graduated high school I was scared of him and didn't really like to be around him. Then it was almost like someone flipped a switch, at the time I thought it was that he had changed or mellowed, but I'm sure it was more about me maturing. Before my mission I worked for him at his office. That was a good time for us - we really got to know each other. After my mission and up until he passed away we spoke very regularly on the phone. In fact, just last week, I had the thought to call him to tell me the name of a book that we both read and loved. It's funny when that happens.

Every six years - I think - my birthday falls on Father's Day. When I was a kid I thought that was so special. Sharing Dad's special day was great for me - I loved it. Now that I am a mom - I don't appreciate it as much. The kids want to make the day special for their Dad - and I do too - it's just that I feel a little bit jipped! But I guess once every few years isn't so bad.

I'm thankful that I had a Dad who taught me so much. We shared a love of books and a gift of gab. He taught me how to laugh and how to make people feel special - he had a gift for that. I am also so very thankful for the Dad of my children. My dear sweet husband who is possibly the best dad in the world. When he comes home from work each day the whole mood of the house changes. The kids can't wait for their hugs and the opportunity to tell him all of the exciting things they have learned, done or seen. And he always listens with enthusiasm, even when I know he is tired from his commute and would rather go rest somewhere quiet for a minute.

We will try and make Father's Day special for him. We will have a breakfast casserole in the morning, he will open his gifts from the kids and then we will go to church. For dinner we will have veal scallopini with pasta and a fresh eggplant and tomato sauce. Then for dessert we will have his favorite- root beer floats (to make it special we bought IBC root beer in the glass bottles). We will call his dad in California and I will think of my dad and probably talk to some of my brothers. And I will be thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who has placed very special men in my life.


One Sassy Mama said...

Jo - you are very tender to me. I seriously have tears in my eyes. What a nice tribute to your dad and husband. And to think - all I thought about blogging today was that my husband is a conspiracy theorist (see my blog and you will know what I'm talking about) - now I'm feeling guilty - I should've done a tribute too. Oh well -there's always the Labor Day tribute right? I mean, my husband works really hard on Labor Day - so maybe I'll devote a blog to him on that day.

Jolene said...

I am cracking up right now - you are the best!!

Pam said...

Yes that is very tender Jo. We have all been blessed with great men in our lives.
I am so glad that I get to be a part of this truth be told world of blogging that you and Nic have so lovingly introduced me too. Thanks! :)